Monday, September 30, 2013

White-chans Lah! 122 - It's a sign! It's fate! No, it's...

I'm pretty sure if White-chan Sec and Cheer's relationship works out, they'll spend half of their time grabbing deals on Groupon and eBay... and the other half? At the supermarket of course!

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Friday, September 27, 2013

White-chans Lah! 121 - When White-chan Sec meets Cheer

Somehow I feel that it is logically possible for White-chan Sec to meet the love of his life at a supermarket.

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Monday, September 23, 2013

White-chans Lah! 120 - How Ai loses weight fast, without dieting or exercise!

Definitely works better than those dieting plans and special supplements spamming your Facebook page! Only problem is... it only works on sheep...

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Friday, September 20, 2013

White-chans Lah! 119 - Why so many emails?

Yup, I've definitely received twenty or thirty over emails on the same subject, contributed by just two or three sender, and each email replied with just one sentence. Guess they really hate each others' voices enough not to pick up the phones.

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

White-chans X Nescafe Dolce Gusto

Nope. This Dolce Gusto machine is not coming to any store near you any time soon. But it’ll be great if you can help White-chans (and me!) win the Nescafe Dolce Gusto design contest by voting for us! C’mon! Vote if you like the design!

-> Vote for a White-chans Dolce Gusto HERE!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

White-chans Lah! 118 - When the aircon is at 26 degrees

I think the aircon in Singapore are way too cold. It's cold in the office, cold in the shopping centers, even colder in the movie cinemas! The only place where the aircon is not cold enough is in our MRT trains. Because they are too crowded to be cold.

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

White-chans Lah! 117 - Who ordered that $200 geoduck?!

Sometimes I wonder, with every $10 that I try to save on my business travel meal, is there an executive who's spending another $100 on his meal at the same time...

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

White-chans Lah! 116 - How to claim within limit

I've ever heard about this guy who brings a week's worth of dirty clothes in his luggage when he goes on business trip, so that he could send them to hotel laundry and charge it to the company. True story.

Get your White-chans comics ebooks on the Booktique and Kobobooks now!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

White-chans Lah! 115 - Counting sheep

I wonder who started this thing about counting sheeps to fall asleep. Why sheeps? Why not cows? Or chickens? If I count the number of cars driving through an ERP, will it work too?

Get your White-chans comics e-books on the Kobobooks, iTunes and Amazon

Monday, September 2, 2013

White-chans Lah! 114 - When one wish leads to another

It shouldn't be too difficult to guess what White-chan Lil One will wish for, right?

Get your White-chans comics e-books on the Kobobooks, iTunes and Amazon