Yes my friends, I promised you White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book will be launched on Android tablets and other readers. I promised you the e-book will be launched worldwide, including Singapore our home town. So now you know my promises are worth more than those you hear during the elections!
White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book is now selling Kobo the global bookstore!

You can buy the e-book for your Android phones or tablets, for your Sony reader or any other reader, and of course for your iPhones and iPads! What? You've been living in a cave and don't have any of the above? No problem! You can also download an e-reader and read it on your PC!
The White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book costs USD2.99, which is like SGD3.75, which is like lesser than how much your lunch costs! The e-book contains 48 strips, including stories from Taiwan, Siem Reap, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and even photographs. The idea is to create a travel comics that illustrates travel experience at these countries, and at the same time tickles that familiar feeling in Singaporeans on how the typical Singapore tourist travels. Yes, my fellow Singaporean, feel free to slap your forehead and say "Oh yes I did that too!".
Ok lah, stop reading already and go Kobo to buy the White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book now lah! Remember! Never judge a cover by its book! Thank you! Thank you!

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