Like what you see? Yup, I've just launched my e-shop and it's called RL's Characters, because hey, these characters are created by me, Rhys Leong!
Of course you'll see more of White-chans and the usual gang soon, but for now, I'm kicking off with a design in memory of the sad MH17 tragedy, the Malaysia Airline flight which was shot down in Ukraine in the midst of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This is a tragedy that should not have happened and a reminder that everyone can be a victim in a war.

I've also created a new series for the launch of this e-shop, called the Heroes of Singapore Snack. Here, you can find Master Huatkueh leading his team of heroes Captain Nonyakueh, Currypuff Man, Miss Butterfly, Chweekueh Man and Kuehtutu Girl to save Singapore from... hmm... hunger?

So come on into my e-shop and look look see see lah!
Visit RL's Characters e-shop at http://www.cafepress.com/rhysleong!
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