Finally, my friends! White-chans are now touring on your iPad, iPhone and iPod!
Ok if you’re an Android tablet user, I didn't forget you... your day will come! I promise!
The White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book costs USD2.99, which is like SGD3.75, which is like lesser than how much your lunch costs! The e-book contains 48 strips, including stories from Taiwan, Siem Reap, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and even photographs. The idea is to create a travel comics that illustrates travel experience at these countries, and at the same time tickles that familiar feeling in Singaporeans on how the typical Singapore tourist travels. Yes, my fellow Singaporean, feel free to slap your forehead and say "Oh yes I did that too!".
The e-book is created based on the new iPad resolution, but look awesome on older iPads, iPhone and iPod as well. The navigation is super smooth and you can tap to enlarge for details and bookmark favorites if you like. I’m really, really happy to launch my first e-book and hope you will like it too!

BUT... yes, there is always a "but", unfortunately... I still can't sell the e-book on iTunes in Singapore and most of Asia yet, though Apple has promised that this will be possible in Singapore very soon. Which means the White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book can only be purchased on iTunes in U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa and Australia. BUT! Ok this is a good "but" now. My publisher is working hard to launch the e-book on Kobo, which is available worldwide. So stay tuned!
For the rest of the world fortunate enough to buy e-books on iTunes, here's the link to BUY White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book at USD2.99!

Ok if you’re an Android tablet user, I didn't forget you... your day will come! I promise!
The White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book costs USD2.99, which is like SGD3.75, which is like lesser than how much your lunch costs! The e-book contains 48 strips, including stories from Taiwan, Siem Reap, Tokyo and Hong Kong, and even photographs. The idea is to create a travel comics that illustrates travel experience at these countries, and at the same time tickles that familiar feeling in Singaporeans on how the typical Singapore tourist travels. Yes, my fellow Singaporean, feel free to slap your forehead and say "Oh yes I did that too!".
The e-book is created based on the new iPad resolution, but look awesome on older iPads, iPhone and iPod as well. The navigation is super smooth and you can tap to enlarge for details and bookmark favorites if you like. I’m really, really happy to launch my first e-book and hope you will like it too!

BUT... yes, there is always a "but", unfortunately... I still can't sell the e-book on iTunes in Singapore and most of Asia yet, though Apple has promised that this will be possible in Singapore very soon. Which means the White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book can only be purchased on iTunes in U.S., Canada, Europe, South Africa and Australia. BUT! Ok this is a good "but" now. My publisher is working hard to launch the e-book on Kobo, which is available worldwide. So stay tuned!
For the rest of the world fortunate enough to buy e-books on iTunes, here's the link to BUY White-chans Go Tour Liaoz! e-book at USD2.99!
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