Telemarketer 1: Hi, we are here to inform you that we will be doing a community service at your block this weekend, can our representative come over to do a presentation?
白-chan: Sorry? What community service?
Telemarketer 1: We will be doing a community service at your block this weekend, and our representative will like to come over to do a presentation.
白-chan: Which government body are you from?
Telemarketer 1: No, we are not from government, we are here to do a community service at your block this weekend.
白-chan: Okay... so which government body is your company collaborating with?
Telemarketer 1: No, we are here to do a community service at your block this weekend.
白-chan: And so which government body is your company collaborating with?
Telemarketer 1: No, we are here to do a community service at your block this weekend.
白-chan: Okay, which company are you calling from?
Telemarketer 1: We are calling from Prudential Insurance, and we will come over this weekend to help you to upgrade your Medishield plan.
白-chan: Oh, no I am not interested.
Telemarketer 1: We will come over this weekend to help you to upgrade your Medishield plan, and it is a free service.
白-chan: No, I am not interested.
Telemarketer 1: So can our representative come over this weekend to give you a presentation on how to upgrade your Medishield plan?
白-chan: No! I am not interested!
Telemarketer 2: Hi, is that 白-chan?
白-chan: Yes, where are you calling from?
Telemarketer 2: I'm calling from DBS. We would like to offer you an exclusive loan from the bank...
Telemarketer 2: Is it convenient to talk?
白-chan: Sorry I'm not free now.
Telemarketer 2: Oh, in that case can I call you back later?
白-chan: No, it's okay, I'm not interested.
Telemarketer 2: Or how about I call you back later to explain to you about this loan...
白-chan: No! I'm really not interested!
白-chan: Hello?
Telemarketer 3: 喂,你会讲华语吗?
白-chan: Can you speak English?
Telemarketer 3: (嘟...)

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